About Us
“It is in playing, and only in playing that the individual child or adult is able to be creative and to use the whole personality, and it is only in being creative that the individual discovers the true self”
– Donald Winnicott
The Centre for Play & Innovation is a dynamic company that is focused on the creative and healing elements of play that allow individuals and groups to optimise their true potential.
This company is the result of a lifelong passion for the development of individuals, groups and communities particularly within South Africa. Our aim is to provide developmental opportunities that lead to creative, innovative and out of the box thinkers that in turn will have a knock-on effect on individual and systemic growth and empowerment.
We work developmentally with groups of people across all ages including pre-teens, teenagers and corporates. In addition, we work therapeutically with individuals across all ages, couples and families who may be struggling with various life difficulties in order to maximise their potential and strengths.